April 24, 2014

Jon Schumacher interviews Jim Bloedau: Work Force Multipliers - The Key Thing To Keep In Mind

Jon Schumacher, is a practicing physical therapist and has started a new pod cast over at New Wave Healthcare.  He interviewed me this week and I have to enthusiastically say, he does a great job and is a delight to work with.  Although he's just getting started, his interview skills are quite mature.  Support Jon if you can, and vendors or any thought leaders don't hesitate to see how you can help him.  I expect great things from you, Jon.  Go get 'em!  

To sum up what I had to say.... Keep in mind that whatever you are developing for healthcare, the proven rules around "work force multipliers" that improve proitability has been and will always be a primary consideration in healthcare.  No matter how slick and zippy your system, app or device is, if you don't have a full story around this point - you are pushing the wrong rock up the hill.

1 comment:

Pendaftaran CPNS said...

Nice moment :)

pendaftaran CPNS